The Easiest Way to Make Money Online by Collecting Emails The easiest way to make money online IMHO is through promoting CPA/CPL (Cost Per Action/Cost Per Lead) offers. You barely have to sell anything with these offers. You simply get paid whenever someone signs up for a product/service or submit their email. That’s how simple it is. It is a well-known and obvious fact that not everyone is a savvy persuasive marketer. Selling affiliate products online is not as easy as some people would have you believe. Top marketers are usually well trained in their craft and you probably need a website, various tools and skills to bring it all together. If you’re not good at marketing , don’t worry, you can still make it online . With CPA offers, ordinary people with little or no knowledge of marketing are making a killing online . How do they do it? And how can you join the party? It is simple really. All you have to do is join a CPA affiliate network like CPAlead ...